Thursday, December 24, 2015

Over the next couple of weeks rain is in the forecast. Due to this, it will be cart path only after any rain events. To keep our current course conditions we need your help. Please refrain from taking carts off the path during inclement weather. By driving the golf carts on the course during saturated conditions it will create ruts and increase compaction issues, which causes significant damage to Bermuda Grass.

In order to improve our range tee on the West End of the range we will keep it closed over the next week. Due to the continuous cold mornings and poor drainage it has made it harder to germinate ryegrass seed. By not having drainage it has created a number of issues. We are currently using a turf cover to increase soil temperatures in the main problem areas. Once we get through the holidays we will be working on cutting the drainage throughout the tee to help move the water. The poor water movement has kept the tee way too wet and the soil lacks oxygen to maintain healthy turf.

A few years back we instituted Coto Pride at the Club. The purpose behind the program is to instill a culture that holds everyone accountable for course etiquette. I just wanted to remind everyone to help do your part and help the maintenance team with the course improvements.

Fill your divots
Rake your bunker after your shot
Repair your ball mark plus two more
Keep up with the group in front of you
Pick up broken tees
Adhere to the Club’s dress code
Keep carts on the cart paths on par 3’s
Adhere to cart path only during weather events
Keep carts away from greens at all times